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Results that match 4 of 5 words
Site Supervisors' Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS)…
This two-day SSSTS course is for site supervisors. You will learn about your legal responsibilities regarding health, safety, welfare and environmental issues.
Insulated concrete formwork
This standard covers the process of training people who plan, install and then manage the concrete pour for insulated concrete formwork (ICF).
Cladding Occupations; Roof Sheeting and Wall Cladding…
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain a vocational qualification in Cladding occupations: Roof sheeting and wall cladding while gaining industry experience. You’ll receive training in the theory of roof sheeting and wall
Panel soffit formwork for general operatives
This standard is to provide the skills / information required to erect and dismantle manhandled panel soffit formwork. This training would be relevant for concrete frame operatives, formworkers and supervisors.
Concrete placing compacting and finishing
This training standard is designed to familiarise candidates with different methods of concrete transport and placing methods, best practice in compacting and finishing, and the influence of concrete mix design.
Controlled techniques for asbestos removal
The purpose of training delivered against this intermeidate standard is to provide candidates with the training content specified by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 for operatives doing licensed work
Formwork introduction
The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with an introduction to Formwork and its associated risks to health and safety and environment.
Cold weather concreting
This training standard is designed for candidates who are involved in the concreting operations. The focus is on realistic design and site preventative measures for concreting in cold weather, covering both short and long term damage mechanisms.
Concrete identity testing
This training standard is designed for candidates who undertake or supervise identity testing on site and to understand the significance of the test methods and assessment of results.
Supervision of concrete pumping operations
The purpose of this standard is to provide the knowledge and skills applicable to supervise and control concrete pumping operations and manage the associated risks.
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