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Fuller working lives in construction
Fuller working lives in construction
NVQ Level 6 Diploma in Construction Site Management
The level 6 Diploma is for construction site managers who are looking to achieve an NVQ management qualification through a formal traditional course. The course includes six one-day taught modules over six months, and two onsite assessment visits
CPCS Forward Tipping Dumper Wheeled A09 - experienced…
This condensed course is for experienced operators of wheeled forward tipping dumpers, who need a formal qualification. You gain the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on passing the technical test at the end.
Changes to the HS&E test
Important updates and changes to the HS&E test.
NVQ Level 4 Diploma in Construction Site Supervision
This course is for supervisors and assistant site managers who are looking to gain an NVQ qualification through a formal traditional course. The level 4 Diploma in Construction Site Management is for supervisors and assistant site managers working
Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS and…
This course is for you if you’re considering, or already have, supervisory responsibilities.
Stone Fixer Operative
The following information for the Stone Fixer Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
CPCS Ride on Road Roller A31 experienced operators (2…
This condensed course is for experienced operators of ride-on road rollers who need a formal qualification. You gain the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on passing the technical test at the end.
The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with an introduction to the CDM 2015 legislation, duty holder roles and the principal contractor and contractor responsibilities.
Concrete strength assessment - cores and indirect methods …
This training standard is designed for candidates who supervise assessing hardened concrete for strength onsite primarily through core testing but with reference to other indirect non-destructive testing (NDT) methods.
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