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491 - 500 of 589 search results for Health safety environment where 395 match all words and 194 match some words.

Results that match 2 of 3 words

Members and supporters

View some of our partnership and associate members who uphold the CDP’s aim and objectives and assist in awareness raising and promoting control of the risks.

Temporary Works Supervisor

This 1-day course will provide you with thorough knowledge of the role of a Temporary Works Supervisor, including a sound understanding of the risk management of temporary works. It is suitable for people with experience of being responsible for

Construction Plant Operative Apprenticeship

This apprenticeship course is for individuals who want to gain the relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours required to carry out the role of a plant operator in the construction industry.

CDM for Principal Designers

This one-day course is suitable for designers and businesses appointed principal designers. You will learn about your contractor responsibilities under the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015.

Built-up felt roofing apprenticeship course

This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain a vocational qualification in Waterproof Membrane Roofing Systems (Construction) Reinforced Bitumen Membrane Roofing: Built up Felt Roofing while gaining industry experience.

CDM for Principal Contractors

This 1-day course is for all contractors, including subcontractors, main contractors and people taking the role of principal contractor. You will learn about your contractor responsibilities under the Construction Design and Management (CDM)

IPAF Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs)

This course is for anyone who may be required to operate Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs). This course will train you to prepare and safely operate various types of MEWPs. On passing the IPAF theory and practical test we will apply for an