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Co-ordinating brickwork requirements
The purpose of training against this standard is to provide the candidates with an overview of how the brickwork team integrates with the wider project team.
Onsite experience opportunities in construction - Wales
CIT has invited bids for projects to create flexible onsite learning hubs which will increase the talent pool for job-ready construction workers in North and South West Wales.
CITB funding a “catalyst to make the change we wanted”
Gwilym Hughes, HR Strategic Business Manager at Jehu explains how the Skills and Training Fund helped their site managers.
Scotland Apprenticeship grants
We pay grants for attendance and achievements on approved Apprenticeships in Scotland.
Breaking Ground: New training film paves the way to a…
Every day over 65 million customers and citizens in the UK rely on the energy and utilities sector’s workforce to deliver the essential services that underpin our everyday lives: water, gas, power and waste for our homes and businesses.
Levelling and setting out (2 days)
This two-day training course is for workers whose job involves using automatic or laser levels for measuring and setting out of construction elements. This course is a companion to the three-day Total Station for Construction course.
Built-up felt roofing apprenticeship course
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain a vocational qualification in Waterproof Membrane Roofing Systems (Construction) Reinforced Bitumen Membrane Roofing: Built up Felt Roofing while gaining industry experience.
Roots to roofs: a cross-curricular educational activity
The project will highlight the processes of construction, raise awareness of careers, job roles and pathways into construction, in particular apprenticeships.
Cladding Occupations; Roof Sheeting and Wall Cladding…
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain a vocational qualification in Cladding occupations: Roof sheeting and wall cladding while gaining industry experience. You’ll receive training in the theory of roof sheeting and wall
Advanced Craft Certificate grant
We pay grants for learners' attendance on and achievement of a course that leads to the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Advanced Craft Certificate in a subject related to construction.
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