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Wind post installation
The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with the knowledge and skill to be able to safely and effectively install a windpost.
Oak Frame Post and Beam Installation Operative
The following information for the Oak Frame Post and Beam Installation Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Plant operation: civil engineering plant and construction …
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain an academic qualification in plant operating, while gaining professional experience. You'll learn to operate various items of plant safely and efficiently, and to carry out basic maintenance
Concrete aggregates awareness
This training standard will enable trainees to develop their knowledge of aggregates, how and when they’re used, and the practical impacts and consequences of using different aggregates.
Bonding, taping and positioning insulation board
Bonding, taping and positioning insulation board
Interior systems: suspended ceiling fixing and partition…
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain an academic qualification in interior systems, while gaining professional experience. You'll learn the construction skills you need to work with suspended ceiling fixing, relocatable
Tens of thousands more into construction – CITB’s…
Supporting training and retraining to rebuild after the recovery, improving productivity and making it easier to help employers bring in apprentices and other new entrants are key elements of CITB’s Strategic Plan, launched today.
In Situ Treatment of Timber and Damp Operative
The following information for the In Situ Treatment of Timber and Damp Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Passport to Construction (Pathways into Construction -…
Each programme will run for 6 weeks delivering work readiness and confidence building as well as developing practical construction related skills including sites visits and work placements on various construction sites across North Wales.
Leading an NSAfC project
If you are leading or co-ordinating employment, training or skills development on a National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) project – or want to use the NSAfC way of working on an unaccredited project – this page will tell you about
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