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Onsite Experience hubs - Wales
Onsite Experience hubs - Wales
Green Careers Week - Every job is a green job
The first ever Green Careers Week takes place this month. The aim of the campaign, which runs from November 07-12 is to shine a light on green career pathways. CITB has just published a dynamic Net Zero Action Plan which looks at the construction
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Construction – it’s a woman’s job
On International Women’s Day 2018, Chief Executive Sarah Beale blogs on the need to make the construction industry one which is open and attractive to all.
Competence Frameworks
Competence Frameworks will set out and define the core competence requirements for individuals across the built environment. They are made up of a Route to Competence and a SKEB document (Skills, Knowledge, Experience & Behaviour) and an
Onsite Experience hubs - England
Onsite Experience hubs - England
Request access to CTR for non-Levy registered employers
If you are a non-Levy registered employer who wants access to the Construction Training Register (CTR), complete this online form.
Construction Skills Fund
Learn about the DfE funded on-site training hubs and how it will get people into construction jobs
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News, events and blogs
Site Safety Plus Courses For Construction Skills
The Site Safety Plus (SSP) suite of courses provides the building, civil engineering and allied industries with a range of courses for people seeking to develop skills in this area.
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