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Fragile roofs
Learn about the dangers of fragile roofs and how to take precautions when working on them
NCC Awareness Campaign
NCC Awareness Campaign
“A journey I will treasure”
Since training with Cyfle Building Skills award-winning apprentice and Construction Ambassador Lynsey Davies, 37, has had a colourful construction journey. Lynsey has gained a NVQ in plastering, managed the construction of a maternity ward project
Comments, compliments and complaints
Comments, compliments and complaints. Your feedback matters to us and we listen carefully to all comments, compliments and complaints.
Sector Skills Plans
Sector Skills Plans are tailor-made strategies designed to address the specific needs of different sectors within the construction industry. They are owned and shaped by construction industry stakeholders, outlining clear actions and interventions
NCC Courses
You are here:. Designed for all site supervisors, SSSTS helps you to understand health and safety in construction. ... manager. The five-day course takes place at NCC and supports an industry-wide standard for health and safety on construction sites to
Welsh Language Policy
Wales is a dual language country where services and resources are made available bilingually to the public in Wales. In 2001, CITB committed to the Welsh Language Act (1993) by producing a Welsh Language Scheme, this meant committing to delivering
Equality and diversity policy
Discover how CITB complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
Events Toolkit
Events Toolkit
Modern slavery statement
CITB's responsibilities to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in its supply chains or business operations
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