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BWF research project on centres of excellence
The project will research and pilot a scheme to increase apprenticeship numbers, and raise the standards in the Shop Fitting sector by developing a framework of excellence and building a network that can deliver flexible training from the framework.
Assessment Infrastructure - Asbestos Control and…
Funding will be used to set up a new assessment centre where assessors for asbestos control and abatement will be trained. A key outcome of the project will be to strengthen the assessment infrastructure across GB in relation to asbestos control and
Basic competency programme (BCP) Stage 2 assessment
The project will provide a further Basic competency Programme assessment for those who have already completed the Basic Competency Programme
Introduction to structured trainee programs – mentor led
The project will design and implement a mentor-led trainee scheme that supports and compliments degree education and study in the workplace.
Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Toolkit – Stage 2
The project will further develop an employer toolkit which will result in the creation of an inclusive and diverse workforce. Leaders and Managers from main contractors and their supply chains will receive the training and development to embed FIR
Wales Apprenticeship grants
We pay grants for attendance and achievements on approved Apprenticeships in Wales.
Site manager training package
The project will deliver a package of training that will enable companies to upskill existing workers from the IOWCTG membership that is experiencing a shortage of qualified site managers.
The Breakfast Club (commission)
Developed in partnership with key contractors, who are all SMEs, the Breakfast Club will deliver eight bespoke interactive training and personal development sessions for 48 new industry entrants (4 cohorts of 12) over a 15-month period.
Research Investment Fund - CECA
This project was commissioned to provide empirical evidence of the scale of the skills gap and skills shortage in the profession of the Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW).
Roots to roofs: a cross-curricular educational activity
The project will highlight the processes of construction, raise awareness of careers, job roles and pathways into construction, in particular apprenticeships.
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