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Specialist Applied-skills Programme (SAP) grant
We pay grant for learners on the Specialist Applied-skills Programme (SAPs). These programmes last 18 months and contain several related modules, leading to a Level 2 or 3 National or Scottish Vocational Qualification (NVQ or SVQ).
Long-period qualifications grants
We pay grants for approved higher level qualifications which take more than one year to complete that focus on the core construction skills needed across the industry.
Levy assessment, registration review, and how to appeal | …
As a CITB-registered employer, every year you will receive a Levy Assessment Notice from us. Your assessment tells you if there is a levy to pay and if so, how much levy you need to pay and when you need to pay it.
Apprenticeship grants for intermediate, advanced and…
We pay grants for attendance and achievements on approved intermediate, advanced and higher Apprenticeship Frameworks in England where an apprentice started prior to 1 August 2020.
Terms of funding - Structured fund
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
Terms of funding: Skills and Training fund
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
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Testing, inspecting and thorough examination occupations…
The suite contains National Occupational Standards (NOS) for engineers, technicians, operatives and supervisors. They relate to: law responsibilities inspections record keeping and defect reports.
AWS Test
Close site search×. Enter search term. Search the website. Menu Menu open and close. You are here:. Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, Peterborough, PE2 8TY. Registered in England and Wales Charity No 264289 and in Scotland Charity No SC044875. . in
Claim £500 new apprentice support grant
A support grant is being piloted by CITB for small businesses taking on apprenticeships to help with initial costs.
Increase in Apprenticeships Grant Funding
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) today announced a major boost in funding to help employers take on construction apprentices.
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