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Our Councils - Membership & National Insights
Scope and objectives of the Nation Councils, and members of our Nation Councils
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 2 April 2020
Today's update is focused on wellbeing and providing support for the NHS.
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This site, like many others, uses small files called Cookies which help us customise your experience.
Apprenticeship Courses at the NCC
Apprenticeship courses in cranes, roofing, scaffolding, steel fixing and more
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Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 2 December 2020
I hope you’re having a good week as we enter December – and the start of the build-up to Christmas. Today’s email includes good news about the expansion of CITB’s apprenticeship support; details of our Training Group Survey and a vacancy on
Routes to Competence
How does a Route to Competence (RTC) benefit the construction industry?
Industry Consultation (Consensus) - Who is consulted?
Industry consultation (Consensus)
Construction Employers Registration for Grants &…
Only complete this form if you believe your business is wholly or mainly engaged in construction industry activities, and you are an employer of PAYE and/or subcontractors.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update - 2 September 2020
Today’s email contains a reminder about setting up your interest-free direct debit; news on the opening of the National Construction Colleges (NCC); and an update on the current uptake of the Training Group GET Fund.
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