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CPCS Dump Truck with Articulated Chassis
This course is for people with limited or no experience who want to learn to operate a dump truck with an articulated chassis. On passing the technical tests, we will apply for the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on your behalf.
Response to challenges from Hudson Contract
In light of recent challenges from Hudson Contract, CITB have released a statement.
Levy registration review form | CITB | Appeals
Only complete this form if you are an employer but believe that your business is not wholly or mainly engaged in construction industry activities. If your business is not an employer please email us at
Go behind the scenes with Open Doors 2024
It’s almost time for Open Doors 2024 – where construction sites come alive in front of your very eyes.
The importance of evaluating CITB Funding
CITB is taking the first tentative steps into adopting a long-term “evaluation” mindset. Now what do I mean when I say “evaluation”?
Support material to help you and your team remain safe
Building Mental Health
The project will increase the awareness of mental health within the construction sector by training 288 Mental Health first Aid practioners (instructors) who in turn will train 2 day mental health First Aiders within the sector.
Register my vacancy
Register my vacancy
Green skills needed for all construction jobs
Globally, progress on climate action has not been anywhere near fast enough. The coronavirus pandemic led to a historic drop in global emissions last year, but it will be a glaring anomaly unless big changes are made.
Green Careers Week - Every job is a green job
The first ever Green Careers Week takes place this month. The aim of the campaign, which runs from November 07-12 is to shine a light on green career pathways. CITB has just published a dynamic Net Zero Action Plan which looks at the construction
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