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Support material to help you and your team remain safe

Crackdown on fraud in construction testing

Organised crime in London, the Midlands and the North West is cashing in on pent-up demand for construction testing resulting from the months of lockdown, and CITB needs your help to stop it.

Safe Use of Quick Hitches

This one day course is suitable if you have received no formal instruction or if you have experience in the use of quick hitches and wish to refresh or update your skills. This course will give you an understanding of the various classifications of

Into Work grant

We pay grants for completed work experience for an individual on an approved further education course, where the work experience started on or after 1 September 2023, and subsequent grant for three-months completed direct employment. This grant is a

Green skills needed for all construction jobs

Globally, progress on climate action has not been anywhere near fast enough. The coronavirus pandemic led to a historic drop in global emissions last year, but it will be a glaring anomaly unless big changes are made.

Carbon Coach Course

The project will develop a 'Carbon Coach Course', this course will be a comprehensive skills programme for construction apprenticeships, introducing the topic of carbon reduction and best practice energy management to attendees.