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Industry acts to protect apprenticeships – but no time…
Thousands of apprentices’ employment has been protected by construction’s pandemic response effort – but industry leaders are today warning more needs to be done to retain vital skills.
What is the NSAfC?
The National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) is a way of working that enables you to get the skills you need on site, on time.
Nation Council Chair vacancies: Help shape the future of…
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has Nation Council Chair vacancies for England and Scotland.
GE700 additional content
Access the additional content found in the GE700 books
Scottish construction employers help shape future of…
The survey, conducted in collaboration with the Scottish Construction Modern Apprenticeship Task Force, sought to understand the views of employers on their immediate and longer term plans, and received over 600 responses.
CITB agrees sale of National Construction College…
Walsall College will purchase CITB’s National Construction College (NCC) facility based at King’s Norton, Birmingham, on 30 November.
Recruit an apprentice in Scotland
How to recruit an apprentice in Scotland and the support you can receive from CITB.
Recruit an apprentice in England
How to recruit an apprentice in England and the support you can receive from CITB.
VINCI and City of York Council – putting social value and …
Many new entrants to construction leave the industry early in their career. VINCI Construction’s solution? Helping them find their passion.
Gilding by transfer - Refresher
The purpose of the Gilding by transfer – Refresher standard is for delegates who have previously passed training to the full Gilding by transfer standard or subsequent refresher training and can provide proof of attendance.
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