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Innovation, skills and productivity
Innovation, skills and productivity
SSP 360°
SSP 360° is a range of interactive, modern and relative 360° construction based scenarios to be used in the delivery of the Site Safety Plus suite of courses.
Equality and diversity policy
The policy covers CITB requirements for equality of opportunity, diversity and considerations for special access and particular assessment requirements for delegates and candidates.
Non-CITB training providers
If you would like to become a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO), there are several steps that you must go through in order to be accepted. The good news is that you will only have to do this once.
Conflict of interest policy
All activity carried out by CITB’s Approved Training Organisations (ATO) and approved centre network including Site Safety Plus (SSP), Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS) and Internet Test Centres (ITC). Including but not limited to the
Additional content
Access the additional content found in the GE706 book
Funding restrictions for the Flexible fund
Please review the restrictions below carefully, to ensure your application will be eligible for funding through the Flexible fund.
Funding restrictions for the Structured fund
Please review the restrictions below carefully, to ensure your application will be eligible for funding.
Improving performance through better procurement…
“Performance through Procurement” brings together 11 of our Partners who are tier 1 contractors, their key supply chain members and client organisations to drive increased performance through the adoption of better procurement and supply chain
Specifying concrete and receiving onsite
The purpose of this standard is to provide candidates with the understanding needed for specifying concrete and receiving concrete onsite.
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