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Anti-fraud, malpractice and maladministration policy
This policy aims to protect the integrity, reliability and reputation of CITB approved training organisations (ATOs) and the related products.
E: Environment
Get guidance on environment for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
Supporting information
Find additional guidance and resources on health and safety.
Build to last - reviewing sustainability construction
This review highlights where CITB-ConstructionSkills might effectively channel its efforts to help the construction industry make its full contribution to sustainable development (SD).
Developing a Training and Accreditation Scheme for…
This project is the development of a training and accreditation scheme for ecological clerks of works on construction sites (Site Ecologists).
Heritage Construction in Wales: strengthening the sector…
The project will increase the uptake of heritage training within Wales, increasing the number of qualifications delivered and increasing awareness of the heritage sector within the construction industry.
Concrete strength assessment - cores and indirect methods …
This training standard is designed for candidates who supervise assessing hardened concrete for strength onsite primarily through core testing but with reference to other indirect non-destructive testing (NDT) methods.
Batten and membrane installation
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install battens and membrane for a new slate and/or tile roof.
Ventilation of enclosures used with asbestos removal
This standard covers knowledge and understanding needed to set up asbestos removal enclosures for in compliance with Regulation 16, Duty to prevent or reduce the spread of asbestos.
Net Zero: 12,000 new construction roles to be created by…
To ensure the Welsh government’s commitment to achieving Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is on track, the construction industry will require the equivalent of 12,000 new roles to be created by 2028 in Wales.
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