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Developing a Training and Accreditation Scheme for…
This project is the development of a training and accreditation scheme for ecological clerks of works on construction sites (Site Ecologists).
Something new for something old from Carmarthenshire…
With around a third of the buildings in Wales built before 1919, there’s strong demand inside the industry for qualified heritage specialists –but a lack of training courses available.
L5 accelerated graduate programme for leadership &…
The project will pilot a Level 5 Accelerated Graduate Programme in Leadership & Management which has been developed and written specifically for the hire and rental sector.
How to become a Site Safety Plus (SSP) centre
Learn what you need to do to become a SSP centre
Maple Aion wins funding to develop skills for a major…
When the construction and civil engineering firm Maple Aion Ltd won a big contract to maintain steam pipes on a 180-acre site, it looked for ways to develop staff skills for the project.
How to upload bulk achievements on the Construction…
One of the tasks that a CITB Approved Training Organisation (ATO) has is to add a learner's achievement to their training record when they have completed the training or a course.
Heritage Hard & Soft Metals Roofing Operative
The following information for the Heritage Hard & Soft Metals Roofing Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Suggest a qualification or apprenticeship for grant
Use this form to suggest a construction and related qualification or apprenticeship for grant eligibility.
In Situ Treatment of Timber and Damp Operative
The following information for the In Situ Treatment of Timber and Damp Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Oak Frame Post and Beam Installation Operative
The following information for the Oak Frame Post and Beam Installation Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
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