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Partnerships & Initiative We Work With
Explore CITB's industry guidance and find out about the partnerships and the initiatives we support
Find out where our locations are across the UK
What we do
Find out how to build a better Britain, we promote and inspire people to join a diverse industry.
Funded projects Information, opportunities & projects …
Funded projects
CITB Apprenticeships (Hire & Become)
CITB Apprenticeships
Asbestos non-licensed supervisor/manager
This standard covers the theoretical and practical skills needed to undertake non-licensed work with asbestos
Grants & Funding for Training Courses
CITB grants & funding covers day to day training, including short courses, qualifications and apprenticeships. Find out more about training grants
Construction Industry Research Reports
Explore CITB research and insights. including Construction Skills Network (CSN) reports.
From salon to site: Gina's journey
23-year-old Gina Gray had once dreamed of becoming a hairdresser but now tells her story on how she got into construction.
Our Councils - Membership & National Insights
Scope and objectives of the Nation Councils, and members of our Nation Councils
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