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Supporting training and addressing key challenges – CITB…
Supporting Scottish construction businesses while ensuring new recruits are welcomed into the industry are the key goals of CITB’s plan for 2021/22 for Scotland, unveiled today (Wednesday 7 April).
Construction Skills Fund: helping people get engaged with …
Director of Policy Steve Radley reflects on the new Construction Skills Fund and how the industry can work to make sure it has a lasting impact.
Developing Digital Leadership Skills in Construction SMEs …
Developing Digital Leadership Skills in Construction SMEs (Giving leaders the skills to drive digital change)
CISRS Experienced Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA)
This 2 day course is for scaffolders who couldn’t complete the Level 2 NVQ/SVQ because they were unable to collect evidence for their portfolio. It also includes the CISRS Level 2 1 day Practical Skills Assessment/Final Assessment On successful
BuildForce is a collaborative employer-led project, enabling service leavers and veterans to understand and pursue careers in construction and the built environment.
Offsite ready (improving skills for offsite construction) …
The project will deliver the capacity and capability to upskill industry on standardised skills and knowledge in offsite construction.
Training and the built environment 2014 *REVISED…
Training and the built environment 2014 *REVISED 07.10.2015*
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 11 June 2020
Today’s email takes a look at measures being taken to restart training safely; an update on CITB’s support measures for industry; and a reminder of the support documents available on our website.
Covid-19: CITB chief exec update – 18 June 2020
Today’s email is a little longer than usual as I would like to bring to your attention a few matters: Fairness, Inclusion and Respect, the recent CLC People Survey results and the regular update on CITB’s support measures for industry.
Creating high quality on and off-site training courses…
Creating high quality on and off-site training courses for Bricklayers, through the launch of 16 ATO delivered short duration training courses, provided by the ABC Assessment Centre.
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