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Scottish construction industry: committed to apprentices…
Scotland’s construction firms have continued to demonstrate their commitment to apprenticeships despite the impact of Covid-19, according to new figures which come ahead of Scottish Apprenticeship Week (March 1-5).
Plant operation: civil engineering plant and construction …
This apprenticeship course is for people who want to gain an academic qualification in plant operating, while gaining professional experience. You'll learn to operate various items of plant safely and efficiently, and to carry out basic maintenance
Qualification achievements in construction
Qualification achievements in construction
My home – assess and train 900 engineers nationwide
The project will design a programme to assess and to train over 900 engineers nationwide to support them in developing skills needed to be a property maintenance engineer.
Women in construction – changing the face of construction …
The project will address gender diversity in construction, focusing on Crossrail and Tideway and key construction projects in London and Birmingham.
Assessor infrastructure - Insulated Render and Cladding…
Build the skills capacity of the insulated render and cladding sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Roots to roofs: a cross-curricular educational activity
The project will highlight the processes of construction, raise awareness of careers, job roles and pathways into construction, in particular apprenticeships.
Asbestos non-licensed operative
The purpose of this standard is to provide the delegate with the knowledge to undertake non-licensed work with asbestos including NNLW as defined in the approved code of practice (ACoP), currently L143 Second Edition, Regulation 10 - Training for
Asbestos non-licensed supervisor/manager
This standard covers the theoretical and practical skills needed to undertake non-licensed work with asbestos
Ancillary licensed maintenance engineer
Ancillary licensed maintenance engineer
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