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Abrasive wheels storage, transport, dressing and mounting …
This training standard is also known as: Abrasive Wheels. The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge and skills in the safe: storage, transport, dressing and mounting of abrasive wheels.
Man-made cement fibre slating
Man-made cement fibre slating
Insulation calculations, condensation risk and vapour…
Insulation calculations, condensation risk and vapour control layers
Working with lead in pitched roofing
Working with lead in pitched roofing
Panel wall and column formwork for general operatives
This standard is designed to provide the skills / information required to erect and dismantle vertical formwork. This is to cover vertical formwork for typical building applications utilising standard proprietry formwork systems
Roof loading and manual handling
Roof loading and manual handling
Details, terminations, flashings, gutters, night seals,…
Details, terminations, flashings, gutters, night seals, faults and rectification
Inspection, maintenance and repairs for liquid roofing
Inspection, maintenance and repairs for liquid roofing
Plain tiling (including background materials and…
Plain tiling (including background materials and flashings)
Recoating roofs of metal, asbestos, and fibre-cement
Recoating roofs of metal, asbestos, and fibre-cement
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