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Concrete identity testing

This training standard is designed for candidates who undertake or supervise identity testing on site and to understand the significance of the test methods and assessment of results.

Green roofs

The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install Green roofs onto an existing liquid roofing system.

Towers with Cantilevers

This standard ensures that the training experienced tower users receive equips them with the skillset for more complex tower builds, taking into account the principles of counterbalance calculations for the use of kentledge in cantilever

CISRS Experienced Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA)

This 2 day course is for scaffolders who couldn’t complete the Level 2 NVQ/SVQ because they were unable to collect evidence for their portfolio. It also includes the CISRS Level 2 1 day Practical Skills Assessment/Final Assessment On successful


The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills to install wooden shingles.