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Training provider and delegate support

CITB's Site Safety Plus (SSP) team offer support to both training providers who apply to become SSP centres, as well as delegates who choose SSP for their training.

Sector Skills Plans

Sector Skills Plans are tailor-made strategies designed to address the specific needs of different sectors within the construction industry. They are owned and shaped by construction industry stakeholders, outlining clear actions and interventions

Plant standards and grants

New plant training standards and grants were launched from Monday 31 July 2023. Employers must use an Approved Training Organisation to receive grant for the new plant training standards.

In-Company & Bespoke Training (Tailored for You)

Established over 60 years ago National Construction College is dedicated to providing training so you have a skilled, competent and inclusive workforce now and in the future. The National Construction College has over 100 courses available for

Welsh Language Policy

Wales is a dual language country where services and resources are made available bilingually to the public in Wales. In 2001, CITB committed to the Welsh Language Act (1993) by producing a Welsh Language Scheme, this meant committing to delivering