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Sanctuary Group
Housing provider and charity, Sanctuary Group, puts social value for the community at the heart of its work – which is why the National Skills Academy for Construction is such a good fit for its home-building programme.
Structural Waterproofing (Below Ground)
The following information for the Structural Waterproofing (Below Ground) course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Nuclear new build employment scenarios
Nuclear new build employment scenarios
Thousands more people into Scottish construction's…
Supporting training and retraining to rebuild after the recovery, improving productivity and making it easier to help employers bring in apprentices and other new entrants to Scottish construction are key elements of CITB’s Strategic Plan,
Visual concrete - perception, practicalities and…
The purpose of this standard is to highlight the nuances of visual concrete specification, interpretation and achievability.
Building information modelling (BIM) introduction
This training standard is also known as: BIM Awareness. The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with an opportunity to explore the principles and practices of BIM within the built environment.
Identifying blemishes, defects and deteriorating concrete …
This standard was previously known as Defects and deterioration in concrete. This training standard is designed for candidates who want to identify blemishes defects and deterioration in concrete and explore remedial options.
Industrial concrete flooring: laser screed operator
This standard covers the training needed to start operating a laser screeding machine.
Introduction to concrete and its constituents
This training standard is an introduction to the constituents of concrete and their impact on the strength, durability, handling and placing of concrete.
Panel soffit formwork for general operatives
This standard is to provide the skills / information required to erect and dismantle manhandled panel soffit formwork. This training would be relevant for concrete frame operatives, formworkers and supervisors.
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