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CDM for Principal Contractors
This 1-day course is for all contractors, including subcontractors, main contractors and people taking the role of principal contractor. You will learn about your contractor responsibilities under the Construction Design and Management (CDM)
Levelling and setting out (2 days)
This two-day training course is for workers whose job involves using automatic or laser levels for measuring and setting out of construction elements. This course is a companion to the three-day Total Station for Construction course.
Managing and Co-ordinating Plant: Refresher
This 2 day course aims to refresh the knowledge of those who manage and coordinate plant in the construction industry. It will update your understanding of current legislative requirements and good practice. All CPCS Testers must complete this as
What Support Will I Get as an Apprentice?
Learn about the personal support CITB offers to all its apprentices throughout their apprenticeship
BCTG Supervisor Development Programme
The project will address the technical skills gaps identified by BCTG members and the wider construction industry through the introduction of a co-designed and co-delivered online learning platform.
Online and virtual reality training
The project is based on Hire Association Europe’s objective to invest in new technologies and make training more readily accessible to a wider audience using innovative solutions including 360 degree video, 3D animation, Virtual and Augmented
GE706 companion content
Access up-to-date amendments to the GE706 companion content made as a result of legislation change.
Safe Working Practices Around Construction Plant…
This two day course is for anyone working with construction plant machinery who needs to be aware of the dangers of operating in close proximity to other vehicles/obstructions. Candidates will learn about excavation awareness and traffic/vehicle
Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (Phase 3)
The project will build individual, organisational and industry knowledge of Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR) in the workplace.
Promoting Cultural and Behavioural Change
This course is suitable for site supervisors, including foremen and site engineers who influence the way in which construction work is carried out. You will learn how to promote positive attitudes and behaviour for everyone on site.
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