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Single pack polyurethanes
Single pack polyurethanes
Glass reinforced polyesters
Glass reinforced polyesters
Travel to train booking form for grant eligible…
Travel to train booking form for grant eligible apprentices.
Developing Digital Leadership Skills in Construction SMEs …
This project will help leaders of small and medium employers identify digital solutions that increase productivity by exploring repetitive, time consuming process and other areas of waste, and identify digital solutions. Solutions will be taken
Tool hire product awareness training (THPAT) - small…
This standard is designed to enable hire staff to inspect, test and record the safety of small plant, including mini diggers and dumpers, skip loaders, driven barrows etc.
Industrial concrete flooring: laser screed operator
This standard covers the training needed to start operating a laser screeding machine.
Asbestos non-licensed supervisor/manager
This standard covers the theoretical and practical skills needed to undertake non-licensed work with asbestos
Visual concrete - perception, practicalities and…
The purpose of this standard is to highlight the nuances of visual concrete specification, interpretation and achievability.
Introduction to liquid roofing
Introduction to liquid roofing
Bonding, taping and positioning insulation board
Bonding, taping and positioning insulation board
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