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Terms of funding: Skills and Training fund
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
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This website is run by the Construction Industry Training Board. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website.
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Close site search×. Enter search term. Search the website. Menu Menu open and close. You are here:. Sand Martin House, Bittern Way, Peterborough, PE2 8TY. Registered in England and Wales Charity No 264289 and in Scotland Charity No SC044875. . in
National Construction College (NCC) Information
CITB - National Construction College (NCC)
Research and insight feedback form
Feedback form
Terms and Conditions
CITB terms and conditions for online services and products
Apprenticeship Courses at the NCC
Apprenticeship courses in cranes, roofing, scaffolding, steel fixing and more
Request access to CTR for non-Levy registered employers
If you are a non-Levy registered employer who wants access to the Construction Training Register (CTR), complete this online form.
Competence Frameworks feedback form
Please use the following form to submit your feedback and comments on the specific skills, knowledge, experience, behaviours, and anything else that extends beyond the current detail of the Competence Standard.
Suppliers (Tendering, Procurement & Frameworks)
See CITB's current tenders and apply to become a CITB supplier.
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