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Events Toolkit
Events Toolkit
Plant Training Standards Review
The Standards Team works with subject matter experts from across the industry to standardise plant training via Plant Working Groups (WG). The development of the plant training standards will help to ensure that the training required by the
Training Standards for Different Frameworks
Training standards
Tradeswomen for Diversity
Diversity makes a difference. A more diverse workforce means there are a variety of perspectives which leads to better decision-making and an increase in productivity.
News, Events & Blogs (Our Top Stories & Events)
News, events and blogs
CITB provides a bespoke service which uses a tailored approach led by individual research requirements.
Modern slavery statement
CITB's responsibilities to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in its supply chains or business operations
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The page you were looking for could not be found. You may have used an outdated link or may have typed the address (URL) incorrectly. You may find what you were looking for in one of these areas:.
Construction’s biggest challenge
I’d like to start this blog by thanking everyone who has completed their CITB Levy Return. Let’s be honest, paperwork is not an enticing task. However, it is a vitally important one where the Levy is concerned. So, to all those who have met
Health, Safety & Sustainability Courses at the NCC
Courses for Site Safety Plus, NEBOSH, IOSH, CDM, environmental and more
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