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News and legislation
Check that you are aware of the latest news and legislation.
News and legislation
Check that you are aware of the latest news and legislation changes
Confidentiality in student health and welfare
This policy is intended for all those involved in student health and welfare, whether as a member of the welfare team or the training staff, for whom confidentiality may be an issue, and is intended to promote greater consistency in the way
Specialist damp proof course cloak systems
The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge and understanding of specialist cloak systems and where and when they are used in the construction process of a building. This course standard includes Weep hole positioning
UKCES UK report 2009/10 - England
UKCES UK report 2009/10 - England
UKCES UK report 2009/10 - Scotland
UKCES UK report 2009/10 - Scotland
UKCES UK report 2009/10 - Wales
UKCES UK report 2009/10 - Wales
Employer information
Find out what the benefits are for employers from the Shared Apprenticeship Scheme
Apprentice information
Find out why a Shared Apprenticeship might be for you
Terms of funding: Skills and Training fund
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
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