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181 - 190 of 1,373 search results for construction dust where 29 match all words and 1,344 match some words.

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Ruby urges girls to choose construction

Great British Bake-off star Ruby Bhogal had an empowering message for over 600 Welsh school girls during a unique, nationwide event at the Construction Wales Innovation Centre (CWIC).

Think Build

The Think Build project is a pilot programme adapted from the award-winning Think Logistics programme set up in 2014 as a partnership between several logistics firms and the charity Career Ready.

The economic outlook: CSN 2018 - 2022

The dip in UK construction growth and employment outlined in the Construction Skills Network (CSN) report for 2018 - 2022 was expected. The UK economy has slowed and complex Brexit negotiations are ongoing.

What we do

Find out how to build a better Britain, we promote and inspire people to join a diverse industry.