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181 - 190 of 384 search results for cpp where 19 match all words and 365 match some words.

Results that match 2 of 3 words

South East

Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in the South East

Welsh Language Policy

Wales is a dual language country where services and resources are made available bilingually to the public in Wales. In 2001, CITB committed to the Welsh Language Act (1993) by producing a Welsh Language Scheme, this meant committing to delivering

Tradeswomen for Diversity

Diversity makes a difference. A more diverse workforce means there are a variety of perspectives which leads to better decision-making and an increase in productivity.

Members of the board

Find out who the members of the CITB Board are and which sector of the industry they represent.


Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in Scotland

Modern slavery statement

CITB's responsibilities to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in its supply chains or business operations