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281 - 290 of 689 search results for csn report where 214 match all words and 475 match some words.

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Sarah Beale's end of year message 2018

Hello everyone, As we approach Christmas, I wanted to share my thoughts and reflect on what has been a productive, transformative and challenging year at CITB.

Great ways to get people into the trade?

Listen to CITB’s Apprentice Delivery Manager Andrew Rodney talking to The Clive Holland Show on FixRadioUK about what we are doing to encourage more people on the tools.

Be FaIR accreditation

Construction employers who take up the Be FaIR Framework to use in their company, can also choose to be accredited under the framework. Getting accredited under the framework shows to both your employees as well as partners that you are serious

Building Blocks

The Building Blocks project sits under the Structured Fund, Experiential Learning opportunity. It will deliver a sustainable experiential learning offer for Scotland, which will enable more universities to access the Constructionarium offer.

Sherford Skills

The project will deliver a range of training and development interventions. The aim of this project is to deliver skills to construction firms working on Sherford Town which is being built outside Plymouth. This new town build is putting pressure on