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Tackling health and safety during a pandemic
Simon Rosser, SHEQ Manager at Hereford Asbestos Services, explains why he completed CITB’s COVID-19 eCourse and the ways it will be beneficial moving forward.
Crackdown on fraud in construction testing
Organised crime in London, the Midlands and the North West is cashing in on pent-up demand for construction testing resulting from the months of lockdown, and CITB needs your help to stop it.
Into Work grant
We pay grants for completed work experience for an individual on an approved further education course, where the work experience started on or after 1 September 2023, and subsequent grant for three-months completed direct employment. This grant is a
UKCES UK report 2009/10
UKCES UK report 2009/10
Skills foresight report 2002
Skills foresight report 2002
Skills foresight report 2003
Skills foresight report 2003
Green Careers Week - Every job is a green job
The first ever Green Careers Week takes place this month. The aim of the campaign, which runs from November 07-12 is to shine a light on green career pathways. CITB has just published a dynamic Net Zero Action Plan which looks at the construction
Workforce mobility and skills in the UK construction…
Workforce mobility and skills in the UK construction sector - migrant workers report 2008
UKCES engineering cluster report 2009/10
UKCES engineering cluster report 2009/10
Green skills needed for all construction jobs
Globally, progress on climate action has not been anywhere near fast enough. The coronavirus pandemic led to a historic drop in global emissions last year, but it will be a glaring anomaly unless big changes are made.
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