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Building information modelling (BIM) introduction
This training standard is also known as: BIM Awareness. The purpose of this standard is to provide learners with an opportunity to explore the principles and practices of BIM within the built environment.
Bridge the Gap into Construction (Pathways into…
Abbey Access Training, Construction Skills Solutions, Lindum Construction and a group of Lincolnshire Construction employers propose to join forces offering young people on the NEET register, Unemployed Women and Long Term Unemployed an innovative
The impact of modern methods of construction on the…
The impact of modern methods of construction on the skills requirements for housing
Young people not in education, training or work
Young people not in education, training or work
Confidentiality in student health and welfare
This policy is intended for all those involved in student health and welfare, whether as a member of the welfare team or the training staff, for whom confidentiality may be an issue, and is intended to promote greater consistency in the way
Building Pathways (Pathways into Construction - NEETs,…
This project aims to take the learnings and experiences of delivering the highly successful CITB funded BuildForce and adapt the model to create new and better pathways for all five cohorts.
A: Legal and management
Get legal and management guidance for health and safety from our list of organisations and websites.
Developing a Training and Accreditation Scheme for…
This project is the development of a training and accreditation scheme for ecological clerks of works on construction sites (Site Ecologists).
Construct Croydon: Improving Pathways for Women and LTU…
LBC will adopt a coordinated approach to up-scaling its existing services and extend the offering of this for a construction sector specific pathway to engage more women and long term unemployed into the Croydon construction sector.
Changing perceptions: the growing appeal of a career in…
Changing perceptions: the growing appeal of a career in construction
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