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Construction Skills Network forecasts 2017-2021 - UK
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2017-2021 - UK
Project RECCE – Veteran Construction Training Course…
Project RECCE is offering a chance for veterans to enter the construction industry and for employers to demonstrate their commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant and produce real transformational social value.Further to this, the construction
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2018-2022 - East
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2018-2022 - East
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2018-2022 - East…
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2018-2022 - East Midlands
Asbestos air monitoring and clearance procedures
Asbestos air monitoring and clearance procedures
Increasing female trade apprentices and operatives in the …
The project will encourage more women to consider construction as a positive career choice by increasing employment of social housing tenants and those from the local community.
Apprenticeship grants for intermediate, advanced and…
We pay grants for attendance and achievements on approved intermediate, advanced and higher Apprenticeship Frameworks in England where an apprentice started prior to 1 August 2020.
Promotion of careers in construction through school and…
Commission: School and Employer Engagement to improve the appeal of working in construction. The project will deliver a system of engagement between schools, colleges, Skills Development Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, construction
Building young lives through construction careers…
Construction Youth Trust will test and develop effective pathways into construction for harder-to-reach young people and create a comprehensive best practice toolkit that will provide employers, particularly SMEs and supply-chain companies, with
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
Leak detection methods for liquid roofing
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