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631 - 640 of 689 search results for csn report where 215 match all words and 474 match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Project RECCE – Veteran Construction Training Course…

Project RECCE is offering a chance for veterans to enter the construction industry and for employers to demonstrate their commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant and produce real transformational social value.Further to this, the construction

Promotion of careers in construction through school and…

Commission: School and Employer Engagement to improve the appeal of working in construction. The project will deliver a system of engagement between schools, colleges, Skills Development Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, construction

Building young lives through construction careers…

Construction Youth Trust will test and develop effective pathways into construction for harder-to-reach young people and create a comprehensive best practice toolkit that will provide employers, particularly SMEs and supply-chain companies, with