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Hints and tips
These hints and tips come from real-world experiences of National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) project leaders and co-ordinators.
CITB sets out solutions to “Big Six” skills challenges…
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has today set out its plans to help the industry meet critical skills challenges and secure its future workforce.
Thousands more SMEs set to pay no CITB Levy for 2021;…
Thousands of construction SMEs are set to pay no Levy at all for 2021-22, under new CITB proposals submitted to the Government this week.
Supporting training and addressing key challenges – CITB…
Supporting Scottish construction businesses while ensuring new recruits are welcomed into the industry are the key goals of CITB’s plan for 2021/22 for Scotland, unveiled today (Wednesday 7 April).
Building young lives through construction careers…
Construction Youth Trust will test and develop effective pathways into construction for harder-to-reach young people and create a comprehensive best practice toolkit that will provide employers, particularly SMEs and supply-chain companies, with
Value of vocational qualifications in the construction…
Value of vocational qualifications in the construction and built environment sector
Wales to receive £3.6m construction investment to…
The British construction sector is set to receive a £17.8m injection of support for training and retraining more skilled workers to help the industry face the skills challenges of the future.
Supporting training and addressing key challenges – CITB…
Supporting Welsh construction businesses while ensuring new recruits are welcomed into the industry are the key goals of CITB’s plan for 2021/22 for the nation, unveiled today (Wednesday 7 April).
Anti-fraud, malpractice and maladministration policy
This policy aims to protect the integrity, reliability and reputation of CITB approved training organisations (ATOs) and the related products.
Creating high quality on and off-site training courses…
Creating high quality on and off-site training courses for Bricklayers, through the launch of 16 ATO delivered short duration training courses, provided by the ABC Assessment Centre.
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