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Scottish construction apprenticeships come out on top,…
Figures recently released by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) indicate construction apprenticeships have bounced back from the pandemic, stronger than ever.
Why it was worth it for the Property Care Association
It may be a relatively small trade body, but the Property Care Association (PCA) found the successful outcomes of a pilot course easily outweighed the effort of applying for CITB funding.
CITB sets out plan to support sector’s skills-based…
CITB has today announced its plan to help employers recover from the impact of Coronavirus, including a substantial reduction in Levy bills.
SkillBuild Final welcomes visitors to try their hand at…
After more than 1,000 registrations and 17 regional heats, the top construction trainees from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have been named as competitors at the SkillBuild National Final 2023.
Visual concrete - perception, practicalities and…
The purpose of this standard is to highlight the nuances of visual concrete specification, interpretation and achievability.
SSP 360°
SSP 360° is a range of interactive, modern and relative 360° construction based scenarios to be used in the delivery of the Site Safety Plus suite of courses.
BAM Nuttall
Civil engineering firm BAM Nuttall had to find a way to replenish a dwindling talent pipeline. Step forward Susan Fletcher and the National Skills Academy for Construction. Susan Fletcher had been in banking for 26 years before she decided to make
Concrete identity testing
This training standard is designed for candidates who undertake or supervise identity testing on site and to understand the significance of the test methods and assessment of results.
Construction Skills Fund: helping people get engaged with …
Director of Policy Steve Radley reflects on the new Construction Skills Fund and how the industry can work to make sure it has a lasting impact.
Delivering social value and community benefits
The National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) creates social value and delivers lasting positive change to benefit communities – while helping industry get the talent and skills it needs. The NSAfC approach is an industry-led solution to
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