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Ventilating pitched roofing
Ventilating pitched roofing
Types and uses of mortars used for brick and block work
The purpose of training against this standard is to provide candidates with an overview of the different mortar types and uses used in masonry.
Levelling and setting out by tape
Levelling and setting out by tape
Natural slating introduction
Natural slating introduction
Abrasive wheels storage, transport, dressing and mounting …
This training standard is also known as: Abrasive Wheels. The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge and skills in the safe: storage, transport, dressing and mounting of abrasive wheels.
Workmanship and quality
Workmanship and quality
Panel wall and column formwork for general operatives
This standard is designed to provide the skills / information required to erect and dismantle vertical formwork. This is to cover vertical formwork for typical building applications utilising standard proprietry formwork systems
Roof felt products and application
Roof felt products and application
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Awareness
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Awareness
Dry-fixed systems
Dry-fixed systems
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