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All activity carried out by CITB’s Approved Training Organisations (ATO) and approved centre network including Site Safety Plus (SSP), Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS) and Internet Test Centres (ITC). Including but not limited to the
Hard Metal Roofing Operative
The following information for the Hard Metal Roofing Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Structural Timber Association “CITB funding was essential …
The STA, the UK’s leading timber association, received £15,000 from CITB’s Flexible and Structured Fund to make a fire safety video for its members and the wider construction industry.
Diamond Drilling & Sawing Operative
The following information for the Diamond Drilling & Sawing Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
External Wall Insulation Operative
The following information for the External Wall Insulation Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Internal Wall Insulation Operative
The following information for the Internal Wall Insulation Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Single Ply Roofing Installation Operative
The following information for the Single Ply Roofing Installation Operative course outlines key details such as the modules, dates and booking contact details.
Training up 160 more on-site assessors to qualify the…
CITB is tackling an industry shortage by training 160 more on-site NVQ and SVQ assessors and opening up four new assessment centres.
“CITB funding helped us grow our workforce and take on…
Ainsley Construction hadn’t claimed a CITB grant for three years when Gareth Quinlan joined the company.
Abrasive wheels storage, transport, dressing and mounting …
This training standard is also known as: Abrasive Wheels. The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge and skills in the safe: storage, transport, dressing and mounting of abrasive wheels.
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