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Unlocking construction’s digital future: A skills plan…
Unlocking construction’s digital future: A skills plan for industry
Achievers and leavers: barriers and opportunities for…
Achievers and leavers: barriers and opportunities for people entering the construction industry
Find a Training Group by speciality or trade
CITB supports 31 training groups covering 14 different speciality construction occupations. Training groups are listed by speciality and in alphabetical order.
CITB Apprenticeships (Hire & Become)
CITB Apprenticeships
Plans and performance
CITB is dedicated to ensuring the construction workforce has the right skills for now and the future based on our three strategic priorities – Careers, Standards and Qualifications, and Training and Development.
Our Councils - Membership & National Insights
Scope and objectives of the Nation Councils, and members of our Nation Councils
Industry leaders wanted for trustee roles on the CITB…
The construction sector is leading the way in helping the UK economy bounce back from the pandemic and the Construction Industry Training board (CITB) is now looking for industry leaders to join its board. In this voluntary role you will help shape
Grants & Funding for Training Courses
CITB grants & funding covers day to day training, including short courses, qualifications and apprenticeships. Find out more about training grants
Find a Training Course (NCC, short, SSP, eCourse)
Find a short course offered by an Approved Training Organisation (ATO)
Executive Management Team Bios
Find out more about the management team
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