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Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction…
Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction Sector 2018-2019 Migrants report
Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction…
Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction Sector 2018-2019 London report
Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction…
Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction Sector 2018-2019 East of England
Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction…
Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction Sector 2018-2019 North West
The impact of modern methods of construction on the…
The impact of modern methods of construction on the skills requirements for housing
Terms of bidding for the Leadership and Management…
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
What is the Shared Apprenticeship Scheme?
The Shared Apprenticeship Scheme has been set up to help employers who want to support the development of skills while working on regional contracts, but are not in a position to offer a full term apprenticeship, and who wish to support training the
Changes to the HS&E test
Important updates and changes to the HS&E test.
Terms of bidding for the Flexible and Structured funds
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
Terms of bidding for the Skills and Training fund
This is a supporting legal document which you should read before completing an application form.
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