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Construction Skills Network forecasts 2019-2023 - UK
Construction Skills Network forecasts 2019-2023 - UK
Young people not in education, training or work
Young people not in education, training or work
Destinations of construction learners in further…
Destinations of construction learners in further education
Value of vocational qualifications in the construction…
Value of vocational qualifications in the construction and built environment sector
Abrasive wheels storage, transport, dressing and mounting …
This training standard is also known as: Abrasive Wheels. The purpose of this standard is to provide the candidate with knowledge and skills in the safe: storage, transport, dressing and mounting of abrasive wheels.
Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS and…
This course is for you if you’re considering, or already have, responsibilities for planning, organising, monitoring, controlling and administering groups of staff e.g. site manager.
Site Supervision Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS and…
This course is for you if you’re considering, or already have, supervisory responsibilities.
Types and uses of mortars used for brick and block work
The purpose of training against this standard is to provide candidates with an overview of the different mortar types and uses used in masonry.
Temporary Works Co-ordinator Training Course (TWCTC)
This two day course is designed to assist those on site who have responsibility for managing all forms of temporary works. It is also designed to give confidence to senior management and those who engage with contractors, to reach an assessed
How to become a Site Safety Plus (SSP) centre
Learn what you need to do to become a SSP centre
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