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Labour Forecasting Tool
Allows you to predict the labour demand on individual projects across construction companies
EUSR Cat 1 Locate Utility Services
EUSR Cat 1 Locate Utility Services
Set up an account for HSE test group bookings
On this page you can set up an account so that you can make large group bookings (4-10 candidates) for the HS&E test.
Construction work experience grants
Work Experience grant can be claimed from 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2021. We pay grant for planned work experience days when it is an essential part of a construction-related degree.
Into Work grant
We pay grants for completed work experience for an individual on an approved further education course, where the work experience started on or after 1 September 2023, and subsequent grant for three-months completed direct employment. This grant is a
Diary of a CITB Engagement Adviser
My job is to help firms get all the funding they’re eligible for, writes CITB Engagement Adviser Abbie Langridge.
Levy Strategy Committee
Find out about the Levy Strategy Committee who represents the views of Industry on the development of the 2022-25 Levy proposals
CPCS Telescopic Handler A17 - experienced operators (2…
This condensed course is for experienced operators of telescopic handlers, who need a formal qualification. You gain the CPCS trained operator card (red card) on passing the technical test at the end.
Come along to CITB roadshows this Spring
Construction employers are being invited to attend the latest roadshows to shape how CITB serves industry and meets employers' training priorities.
Disbanded committees
Information on past committees is kept for historical purposes
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