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Use this form to suggest construction and related courses only to be grant eligible.
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Use this form to suggest a construction and related qualification or apprenticeship for grant eligibility.
R. Walker & Sons “Applying for funding was dead easy…
A desire to develop staff skills and promote construction in the community was at the heart of R. Walker and Sons (Preston) Ltd’s CITB funding application.
Scottish housebuilders team up to change the industry
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has changed the world of construction, but adopting it can be difficult for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs).
Structural Timber Association “CITB funding was essential …
The STA, the UK’s leading timber association, received £15,000 from CITB’s Flexible and Structured Fund to make a fire safety video for its members and the wider construction industry.
Why it was worth it for the Property Care Association
It may be a relatively small trade body, but the Property Care Association (PCA) found the successful outcomes of a pilot course easily outweighed the effort of applying for CITB funding.
CITB-funded Right to Work films will “uphold the…
Training videos aimed at preventing illegal working and modern slavery in the construction sector have been launched.
Skippy Construction “Qualified staff will help my…
Training can have a positive ripple effect in an organisation, just ask Aaron Doonan, Managing Director of Torquay-based Skippy Construction.
The sky's the limit when you train up
Sky Scaffolding (Whitby) wanted to keep up with advances in scaffolding technology and needed to upskill their workforce – not only to meet rising demand, but to maximise capacity.
Structural Timber Association: Standardised skills for…
In the world of off-site construction, timber frame is one of the fastest-growing techniques. But the available skills are not keeping pace with the trend.
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