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Heritage Construction in Wales: strengthening the sector…
The project will increase the uptake of heritage training within Wales, increasing the number of qualifications delivered and increasing awareness of the heritage sector within the construction industry.
Homebuilders supporting and developing skills in existing …
The project will build networks of employers in the Home Building supply chain and promote collaboration between home builders, sub-contractors and the supply chain.
L5 accelerated graduate programme for leadership &…
The project will pilot a Level 5 Accelerated Graduate Programme in Leadership & Management which has been developed and written specifically for the hire and rental sector.
Increasing female trade apprentices and operatives in the …
The project will encourage more women to consider construction as a positive career choice by increasing employment of social housing tenants and those from the local community.
Promotion of careers in construction through school and…
Commission: School and Employer Engagement to improve the appeal of working in construction. The project will deliver a system of engagement between schools, colleges, Skills Development Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland, construction
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Net Zero: 12,000 new construction roles to be created by…
To ensure the Welsh government’s commitment to achieving Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is on track, the construction industry will require the equivalent of 12,000 new roles to be created by 2028 in Wales.
About CITB Apprenticeships
CITB is one of the largest providers of apprentices for the construction industry, with over 45 years’ experience of developing skilled workers. If you decide to employ a CITB supported apprentice, you will be getting a keen, motivated member of
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Rugby star Kyran Bracken at launch of UK-wide SkillBuild…
Rugby World Cup winner Kyran Bracken has teamed up with the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) to kick off this year’s UK-wide SkillBuild (External link - Opens in a new tab or window) competition in Glasgow, to attract more people into
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