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Fully-matching results
Construction Skills Fund
Learn about the DfE funded on-site training hubs and how it will get people into construction jobs
Construction Employers Registration for Grants &…
Only complete this form if you believe your business is wholly or mainly engaged in construction industry activities, and you are an employer of PAYE and/or subcontractors.
Book a test
Information on this page is for those looking to book the CITB Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) test.
Apprenticeship Courses at the NCC
Apprenticeship courses in cranes, roofing, scaffolding, steel fixing and more
Routes to Competence
How does a Route to Competence (RTC) benefit the construction industry?
Net zero action plan
Net zero action plan
Recruit an apprentice in Scotland
How to recruit an apprentice in Scotland and the support you can receive from CITB.
CITB Grants Scheme
Find out how grants are awarded and when you can claim them
Construction’s biggest challenge
I’d like to start this blog by thanking everyone who has completed their CITB Levy Return. Let’s be honest, paperwork is not an enticing task. However, it is a vitally important one where the Levy is concerned. So, to all those who have met
Scaffolding & Access Courses at the NCC
CISRS courses to get carded and SITS.
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