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Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction…
Workforce Mobility and Skills in the UK Construction Sector 2018-2019 West Midlands
Young people not in education, training or work
Young people not in education, training or work
Destinations of construction learners in further…
Destinations of construction learners in further education
Value of vocational qualifications in the construction…
Value of vocational qualifications in the construction and built environment sector
Structured fund
One of three CITB funds, it supports projects where CITB has identified a need for investment.
Developing Digital Leadership Skills in Construction SMEs …
Developing Digital Leadership Skills in Construction SMEs (Giving leaders the skills to drive digital change)
Changing perceptions: the growing appeal of a career in…
Changing perceptions: the growing appeal of a career in construction
Who we work with
CITB works with construction employers, training providers, and Government to ensure that our policies are aligned to national and local policy across the UK.
CITB highlights 2018
The launch of our bold, industry-backed, three- year Business Plan was one of many highlights during a busy reforming year for CITB.
Complaints policy
Find out more about CITB's complaints policy, including CITB's approach to receiving and dealing with complaints, how you can make a complaint, what you can expect from us when you do so, and how you can escalate a complainy if you are unhappy with
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