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91 - 100 of 1,506 search results for log in where 227 match all words and 1,279 match some words.

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Chimney occupations

This suite contains National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the occupational area of Chimney engineering

What is Net Zero? | Net Zero Explained

To combat climate change, the UK became one of the first countries to commit to becoming net zero. But what is net zero, and what does it mean for construction?

Short duration achievement grants

We pay grants for the achievement of approved short courses, which last from 3 hours to 29 days and are focused on the core construction skills needed across the industry.

Apprenticeship Levy

The Government Apprenticeship Levy requires all UK employers with an annual pay bill of more than £3 million to pay 0.5% of their wage bill to the Government’s Apprenticeship Service. In England, this is used to pay for apprenticeship course fees.

CPCS Mini Excavator A58

This 6 day course is for people with limited or no experience of using mini excavators. It's also suitable for people who have some experience, but need a formal qualification. You will learn to operate and maintain a mini excavator, including

Industry Impact Fund

The Industry Impact Fund is aimed at construction employers looking to make a positive difference to the construction industry by developing solutions to key challenges faced by the workforce across the UK. The fund launched April 2023 and is the

Modern slavery statement

CITB's responsibilities to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in its supply chains or business operations