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Women Construct Wales (Pathways into Construction -…
This project will focus on breaking down barriers to women entering the sector. It will provide 9 renovation projects over 3 years for 72 women to gain and acquire skills in building renovation.
Basic competency programme (BCP) Stage 2 assessment
The project will provide a further Basic competency Programme assessment for those who have already completed the Basic Competency Programme
Assessor infrastructure - British Blind and Shutter…
Build the skills capacity of the blind and shutter sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Assessor infrastructure - Fall Arrest Safety Equipment…
Build the skills capacity of the fall arrest safety sector by creating new on-site assessors and delivering vocational qualifications to address the skills shortage.
Work readiness
Work readiness
Formwork introduction
The purpose of training delivered against this standard is to provide candidates with an introduction to Formwork and its associated risks to health and safety and environment.
Steelfixing introduction
The purpose of training delivery against this standard is to provide candidates with knowledge and understanding of Steelfixing.
Insulated concrete formwork
This standard covers the process of training people who plan, install and then manage the concrete pour for insulated concrete formwork (ICF).
Architectural recognition
This standard focuses on the key knowledge and in-depth understanding in relevant architectural areas.
Cold weather concreting
This training standard is designed for candidates who are involved in the concreting operations. The focus is on realistic design and site preventative measures for concreting in cold weather, covering both short and long term damage mechanisms.
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