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31 - 40 of 230 search results for mock test for map where 11 match all words and 219 match some words.

Results that match 2 of 3 words

Apprenticeship grants

CITB offers apprenticeship grants and funding for individuals on approved apprenticeships in England, Wales & Scotland. Apply for a grant today.

What is Net Zero? | Net Zero Explained

To combat climate change, the UK became one of the first countries to commit to becoming net zero. But what is net zero, and what does it mean for construction?

Employer Networks

Employer Networks are an initiative set up and funded by CITB aiming to simplify the way you get the support and funding you need to access the training you want. It’s all part of the service. Collectively employers are shaping the way funds

National Occupational Standards

How do National Occupational Standards (NOS) benefit the construction industry? Amongst other things, the NOS ensure that NVQs and SVQs are more robust and consistent. Between 2020 and 2021 over 70,000 people in construction across the UK achieved

Plant Training Standards Review

The Standards Team works with subject matter experts from across the industry to standardise plant training via Plant Working Groups (WG). The development of the plant training standards will help to ensure that the training required by the

Short duration achievement grants

We pay grants for the achievement of approved short courses, which last from 3 hours to 29 days and are focused on the core construction skills needed across the industry.