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91 - 100 of 230 search results for mock test for map where 11 match all words and 219 match some words.

Results that match 2 of 3 words

Card schemes

Learn about other recognised construction card schemes. Find information about applying for and renewing cards, including CSCS and CPCS.

East of England

Find out about financial support, training and events for your business in East of England

Passport to Construction (Pathways into Construction -…

Each programme will run for 6 weeks delivering work readiness and confidence building as well as developing practical construction related skills including sites visits and work placements on various construction sites across North Wales.

Levy Strategy Committee

Find out about the Levy Strategy Committee who represents the views of Industry on the development of the 2022-25 Levy proposals

Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs)

Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) are a new employer-led initiative from the Department for Education (DfE) in England. They aim to reshape skills training provision to better meet the local needs of employers and the wider economy. CITB has